MES Chorus
MES Chorus is an extra-curricular performing group that meets before school from 7:30-8:10. The dues are $15.00 and this fee covers the cost of the chorus t-shirt and music. All 4th and 5th grade students are eligible as long as they fulfill the following requirements:
1. Students must have early transportation to school.
2. Students and parents must fill out the registration
3. Students must pay the $15.00 dues.
Rehearsals: Rehearsals are on Wednesday mornings. Our rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, September 6th from 7:30-8:10 in the music room. Our last rehearsal will be March 27th.
Rehearsals are very important and 3 missed rehearsals could cause you to be dismissed from chorus.
Students should be dropped off at the back of the school (Camp Eagle's Nest door) no earlier than 7:25. If your child is in before care, they may come to chorus at 7:30.
Chorus Attendance - Each student's presence is vitally important! A written note or email is required to excuse a rehearsal. If you are absent from school, the absence is automatically excused, but please email Mrs. Pinkston if you know your child will be absent or has a morning appointment ([email protected]). Tardiness is extremely disruptive to rehearsal. If a student arrives after 7:45, they will be allowed to attend rehearsal but will be counted as an unexcused absence unless a note is provided. Students will be released at 8:10 to go to breakfast or their homeroom.
Conduct- Excessive talking, disrespect, and silliness slow down our learning. Chorus members are expected to behave during rehearsals and performances at school and off campus. Misconduct can be grounds for dismissal from Chorus by the teacher or administration.
September 13th- During Chorus 7:30AM we will be recording "This Land Is Your Land" for the morning announcements. It will be played on September 17th. Here is the Link to the song! Please be practicing!
November 30th- Dinner with Santa. Chorus will sing 2-3 songs during the event in the Café! 5:30-7:30PM